
Lexie is the blog's resident tech expert and gets excited about empowerment through technology, space travel, and pancakes with blueberries.

154 Posts
16178 Claps
Something to hide: A pixelated iPhone
2 mins
Your secrets are your own: In defense of privacy
Society tends to tout transparency and openness as highly virtuous characteristics that are worth pursuing. Both corporations and individuals...
1 min
ExpressVPN’s all encompassing, jargon-busting Bitcoin glossary
Much like the internet, the Bitcoin network introduced a vast array of new words to explain its unique functionality....
A hammer tries to brute force open a padlock.
5 mins
How brute-force cracking might reveal your password
In cryptography, a brute force attack attempts to decipher encrypted content by guessing the encryption key. This attack is...
Supreme Court building overflowing with data
5 mins
4 ways to back up your data securely
Photos, documents, saved video games, and old emails: We accumulate a lot of data throughout our lives. And just...
A house made up of blue servers and a blue roof on top
4 mins
How to make a small server for your home
Servers are just computers without screens and keyboards, but they can be relatively cheap to buy, compared with the...
A lock surrounded by several electronic items
2 mins
PGP is still pretty good for privacy
Many privacy advocates use PGP (GNU Privacy Guard/GPG in its open source form) to encrypt, sign, and verify data...
3 mins
Change your Firefox settings for a more private browsing experience
With just a few clicks, you can vastly improve your online privacy. Here are some tips for the popular...
A melting Bitcoin.
2 mins
What makes a cryptocurrency Bitcoin?
According to listings on coinmarketcap.com, there are now six major cryptocurrencies that all claim to be Bitcoin, and more...
Some pixelated people in a crowd
2 mins
5 fashion items you’ll need to fight a surveillance state
In a previous post, we looked at how to be incognito in the real world. Today, let’s dive deeper...
Internet fail key on computer keyboard.
5 mins
Did the internet fail to deliver on its early promises?
With its many predecessors and common interchangeable terminology, it’s hard to pin the internet’s birth date precisely, though it’s...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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What does a VPN hide?
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