6 mins
It’s brilliant. But what is the internet?
We use it every day and It’s become an absolutely essential part of our lives. But what actually is the Internet? The dictionary defines it...
2 mins
ExpressVPN Guide to Stronger Passwords – Part 3 (Diceware)
This is Part 3 of our stronger password series. For the other parts, click below: Part 1 (Two-factor Authentication) Part 2 (Password Manager) Generate secure and memorable...
4 mins
What Apple’s fight against the FBI means for the future of privacy
Apple CEO Tim Cook made headlines last week when he released an open letter opposing a recent court order from the FBI. The order required...
4 mins
Meet the man who wants to save encryption
California congressman Ted Lieu has introduced a new bill that could eliminate state-imposed laws banning encryption.
4 mins
The Snowden Effect: 4 things we’ve learned since the privacy bubble exploded
Here's a recap of the major events that have happened since Snowden's revelations and a semi-dystopian look at what the future holds.
Sweden in the Matrix.
8 mins
Online privacy is why Sweden wins the internet
Sweden: The true Land of the Free. No country protects your privacy more than Sweden does. Here's how they do it.
9 mins
Nothing to hide? Speak for yourself.
Why the mantra "You've got nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" negatively affects the future of humanity.
at&t helps nsa
3 mins
AT&T happy to help NSA spy on millions
A joint investigation between the New York Times and ProPublica details decades-long collaboration between AT&T and the NSA.
7 mins
Certificate authority trust breach exposes vulnerability in Internet’s trust hierarchies
Google detected high-quality forgeries of SSL certificates for Google domains. Here's how to protect yourself from digital certificate fraud.
The ExpressVPN logo.
1 min
ExpressVPN and Heartbleed
What is the Heartbleed bug? Read on to find out how it affects VPN service around the world.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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1 min

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How to survive an internet shutdown
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