Privacy news

3 mins
Fight the TPP with a VPN
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an international trade agreement five years in the making. Although the details around the agreement are secret, certain chapters,...
2 mins
Someone left the fridge open to hackers – #WTFWednesday
First we brought you breaking news about how your car can be hacked. Then we exposed the nasty truth about wireless pacemakers. Now we’re...
5 mins
OMG Ed Snowden is on Twitter!!!!
Within two hours of joining Twitter last month, Edward Snowden garnered nearly 300,000 followers. Two weeks later, 1.4 million people are tuning into his...
An illustration of a browser with a green shield in the center of the screen. But wait! Inside the green shield is a tick. Super protection: Whammo!
5 mins
The 3 best browser extensions to protect your privacy (updated for 2019)
When it comes to your privacy, there’s no such thing as being “too prepared.” That’s why ExpressVPN compiled a list of our favorite extensions...
hacker sends woman webcam pictures of herself
3 mins
Cops don’t care if perverts are spying on you
How hard is it for hackers to spy on you through your own webcam? Apparently it’s not hard at all. Take this recent case as an...
man bites off his own fingerprints to avoid police
2 mins
Which body part did this man eat to avoid being ID’ed?
Warning! Not for the faint of heart! A Florida man, recently arrested for driving a stolen Mercedes, spent his time detained in the police...
2 mins
Hospital hackers hijack human heart – #WTFWednesday
Remember that scene in Terminator 2 where Arnold rips open his flesh and exposes his gnarly cybernetic hand? After the first successful robotic arm...
school computers collect data from children
2 mins
Latest data collection trend: Fat shaming in public schools
If you’re over the age of 25, your experience with “data collection” in school was probably limited to science class, where you were the...
expressvpn v4.6 update
1 min
Download ExpressVPN v4.6 from the App Store
UPDATE! 30 September 2015 ExpressVPN 4.6.1 is now available in the App Store! You can now download ExpressVPN 4.6.1 from the App Store. We've fixed the auto-reconnect bug and...
ftc is authorized to regulate corporate cybersecurity
2 mins
US corporations that skimp on cybersecurity now subject to FTC regulation
NOTE: This post was originally published on September 17, 2015 A US appeals court has recently ruled that the Federal Trade Commission now has the authority...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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Is your car spying on you?
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