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app helps you stalk your facebook friends IRL
3 mins

Creepy Chrome extension lets you stalk your Facebook friends in real life – #WTFWednesday

Gather round, kids, because today’s #WTFWednesday is scary. Like walking in on your 85-year-old grandma in the tub scary. We already know how Facebook...
fix ipad location picker
1 min

How to deal with the iPad Location Picker bug in iOS 9

UPDATE! 30 September 2015 ExpressVPN 4.6.1 is now available in the App Store! You can now download ExpressVPN 4.6.1 from the App Store, We've fixed the auto-reconnect bug and...
fix expressvpn bug in ios 9
2 mins

How to fix the bug in ExpressVPN for iOS 9

ExpressVPN 4.6.1 is now available in the App Store! You can now download ExpressVPN 4.6.1 from the App Store. We've fixed the auto-reconnect bug and everything should be...
at&t wifi ad injection at free hotspots
2 mins

AT&T’s free Wi-Fi comes with one big catch

One of the perks of signing a contract with AT&T, the largest mobile carrier in the United States by customer base, is the use...
cherax snowden, the crayfish named after ed snowden
2 mins

Ed Snowden is being honored, and it’s totally cray

On May 20th, 2013, Edward Snowden was boarding a plane from Hawaii to Hong Kong, ready to unleash a torrent of classified documents that...
ios 9 tracking your sex life
3 mins

iOS 9 can track your sex life – #WTFWednesday

This post was originally published on September 9, 2015. If you have an iPhone, then your device and its maker, Apple, know a lot about...
encryption actually helps police
4 mins

How smartphone encryption helps everyone, including criminals, and that’s okay

Earlier this month, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. and three other officials wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times accusing Apple...
forget the right to be forgotten
2 mins

Should exercising your right to be forgotten be forgotten?

In 2006, the “right to be forgotten” became law in the European Union, allowing individuals to demand that outdated information about them be removed...
A crowd of people going about their business. They are blissfully unaware that Facebook is watching. Run, people! Think of the children!
2 mins

Facebook can identify you even if it can’t see your face – #WTFWednesday

It’s creepy enough that Facebook can recognize your face in photos. Even if you didn’t upload it yourself, Facebook can spot you and let...
ashley madison hacks
3 mins

Worried about the Ashley Madison hack? You should be

The first thing you see when you visit Ashley Madison, the Internet’s go-to adultery site, is a woman perching a finger to her lips....
1 min
1 min

Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode

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