Privacy news

3 mins
Protecting your digital rights: Who is Access?
Digital freedoms are under attack worldwide. In countries like France and Turkey, governments are pushing for greater access to citizens' data without their consent,...
3 mins
French Parliament votes in favor of new surveillance powers
At a time when lawmakers and citizens in the US are questioning the sweeping surveillance powers introduced after the terror attacks of September 11,...
CISPA Explained: Why it should matter to you.
3 mins
CISPA explained: A guide to undermining privacy
In 2011, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was introduced to the House of Congress by representative Mike Rogers, but failed to...
Projet de Loi Relatif au Renseignement
3 mins
Overseas snooping: French “Patriot Act” gaining support
Critics have compared it to the much-hated “Patriot Act” in the United States, but despite public backlash, France's “Projet de Loi Relatif au Renseignement”...
email sign-in form
2 mins
WikiLeaks creates searchable archive of hacked Sony emails and documents
Thousands of documents and emails snaffled during an attack against Sony Pictures last year have been published on WikiLeaks, according to the BBC. The treasure...
police lawyer plants trojan on whistleblower's hard drive
2 mins
Malware planted on hard disk given to whistleblowers’ lawyer
When it comes to matters of justice, we’d all like to think that we can trust a lawyer, but an interesting case in Arkansas...
patriot act
3 mins
Renew or repeal? Spy law battle heats up on Capitol Hill
On June 1st, one controversial section of the Patriot Act — Section 215 — expires. Both the NSA and the FBI are fighting hard...
fight 215 screen shot
3 mins
Stop the Patriot Act’s mass surveillance with Fight 215!
  The Patriot Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act) 2001 is a piece of legislation signed into law in the wake of 9/11,...
raining computer code
3 mins
Going dark: New Australian law spurs VPN interest
It’s official: Yesterday we wrote about a new data retention law in Australia that compels ISPs to save user “metadata” for two years and supply...
2 mins
Why we think the Australian Data Retention Law is a terrible idea
Over the past few weeks, Australian Internet users have been troubled by the implications of Parliament passing the mandatory metadata retention bill. Users have been...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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1 min

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