Privacy news

arrow pointing counter-clockwise around a forbidden sign
4 mins
How to turn off browsing history
Your browsing history is a record of all the sites you have visited. This history can also include which email addresses you’ve used to...
mental health app privacy issues
4 mins
What your mental health app reveals to big tech
Apps to help with stress, anxiety, and substance abuse are exploding in popularity. But are they giving away your privacy?
Question mark in html tags displayed by browser tab.
5 mins
What is metadata and what does it mean?
Although metadata is everywhere, it’s easy to ignore. But anyone who cares about their privacy should pay attention to the many ways metadata can be used to mine personal information.
just surveilling the police won't prevent violence
5 mins
We need more than surveillance to prevent police violence
Citizens subconsciously modify their behavior in the presence of surveillance devices. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have the same effect on law enforcement.
Edward Snowden's glasses.
3 mins
Quick biography: Edward Snowden
Since becoming a household name in 2013, Edward Snowden has remained in the global spotlight for his privacy advocacy and personal legal drama.
facebook says its future in europe is unclear
3 mins
Facebook: Our future in Europe is unclear
The social media giant says it doesn’t know how it will cope with the EU’s new data-transfer rules. But to observers, it’s inconceivable that the company will quit Europe.
dark web arrests
3 mins
A huge drug bust raises questions about dark web anonymity
Working under Operation DisrupTor, law enforcement in nine countries arrested 179 people in connection with the sales of illegal goods.
uk police says uber shares it data with them
1 min
Why UK police love Uber: The company shares its data with them
The ride-sharing company uses passenger and driver data to help law enforcement.
2 mins
ExpressVPN jointly launches industry principles to boost consumer trust
NOTE: This post was originally published on September 29, 2020 As more of our daily lives go digital, a VPN is now an indispensable tool...
ransomware attack germany
2 mins
A ransomware attack on a hospital has caused a woman’s death
The attack crippled the IT systems of a local hospital in Düsseldorf, causing it to shut down its emergency facilities and divert patients elsewhere.
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1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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