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A pigeon with a dollar sign for an eye.
2 mins
How do advertisers always know where you are?
To build a profile of you, advertisers can gather a multitude of information. They can follow you around the...
Video camera on a laptop screen.
2 mins
How to secure your video-conferencing apps
This post was originally published on May 14, 2020. If you are working from home right now, chances are you...
A sinister hand emerges from a laptop screen.
4 mins
What is cybercrime? 5 types and examples of cybercrime explained
Think about large-scale heists and it’s normal to conjure an image of a group of thieves robbing a bank,...
Security camera pointing at a grocery bag.
5 mins
Contactless supermarkets are here. But at what cost?
Contactless stores and delivery options have shot into the mainstream thanks to the spread of Covid-19. What does it mean for privacy?
4 mins
Introducing Lightway, ExpressVPN’s new protocol for a superior VPN experience
Introducing Lightway, a brand new, next-generation VPN protocol that will make your connection faster, more reliable, and more secure. 
Facebook app icon with surveillance notification alert.
2 mins
What is Off-Facebook activity, and what does it reveal about your...
Facebook harvests a lot of your data, even when you’re not actually using it. Now, finally, Facebook is letting...
A whip with the lashes made from a stream of ones and zeroes.
3 mins
What is cybertorture? How our minds are vulnerable to online experiences
What will change if we are forced to move our social circle to virtual lands, browse the web anonymously,...
A key atop a background of green numbers and letters (like the Matrix).
4 mins
The U.S. might permanently ban end-to-end encryption
This post was originally published on April 23, 2020. The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT)...
Two phones on a map with lines intersecting from them.
3 mins
Google and Apple are co-creating a contact-tracing tool. Can you trust...
In what can only be described as the most unlikely of partnerships, Apple and Google have teamed up to...
Mobile phone switched off with a red off icon.
2 mins
Maybe it’s time to dump social media, just for a little...
For a lot of us these days, the internet has become our sole tether to the outside world, connecting...
1 min
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Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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