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Open Source Initiative logo.
3 mins
Free and open-source software (FOSS): Pros and cons for security
Chances are you’ve used more free and open-source software (FOSS) than you realise. We take a look at the benefits of FOSS.
Eye in a cloud.
5 mins
What your internet service provider knows from your online traffic
If you don't encrypt your online traffic, your ISP can potentially see everything. Let’s fix that.
Wifi router with checkmark in the wifi signal.
2 mins
A VPN on your router protects all your home devices
If you’re already using a VPN, you’ll know it comes with many benefits, from keeping your online activity private...
Envelope wearing a face mask.
4 mins
How to stop spam with anonymous email forwarding
An anonymous email forwarder can mask your email with an alias to avoid spam and keep your real email private. Find out how and protect your inbox now.
A Wifi signal in a house with a question mark.
2 mins
What is the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new concept that has grown complex. Here’s a simple explanation of what it is and how it affects your entire existence.
will privacy be another casualty in digital vaccination passports
4 mins
Digital vaccination passports are here
Some countries will require proof that you’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19 before letting you travel or go to public places. Will privacy be sacrificed?
Bitcoin symbol emerging from a brain
5 mins
All in your head: Creating a Bitcoin ‘brainwallet’ with Diceware
Learn how to generate a list of random, secure words to store Bitcoin in your brain. Lexie says it’s as easy as rolling dice!
Dollar sign in a triangle.
5 mins
Venmo, Cash App, and PayPal scams: How to stay safe
Venmo, Cash App, and PayPal are popular payment methods. Here’s how to stay protected from scams while using them.
A newspaper with the map outline of Australia split in half.
3 mins
Link tax: How countries are forcing Big Tech to pay for...
Australia has become the first place where Google and Facebook pay for news on their platforms. Other countries want the same.
how to tell if your webcam has been hacked
5 mins
How to tell if your webcam has been hacked
Six ways to know if someone is watching you with your laptop’s camera.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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4 mins
1 min

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ExpressVPN WireGuard Update
ExpressVPN is proudly supporting
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