Tag: Apps

An app button with a virus and location symbol.
3 mins
Privacy flaw found in Google and Apple’s contact-tracing tool
Hundreds of contact-tracing apps on Android devices didn't keep sensitive data secure.
Passport with an eye.
5 mins
Tests, shots, apps: The invasive new world of travel
Amid Covid-19, summer travel will happen. Is it worth the loss of your privacy?
ioXt Alliance logo with check mark.
1 min
ExpressVPN receives ioXt certification for security
ExpressVPN has become one of the select few VPN apps to receive certification from the ioXt Alliance for its security standards.
Crypto falling into a trap.
5 mins
Is that a crypto wallet app—or a scam?
Beware of fake crypto wallet apps, which abound in Apple and Google’s app stores, as ExpressVPN's Digital Security Lab has found.
Bitcoin symbol emerging from a brain
5 mins
All in your head: Creating a Bitcoin ‘brainwallet’ with Diceware
Learn how to generate a list of random, secure words to store Bitcoin in your brain. Lexie says it’s as easy as rolling dice!
Finger Waving, Clubhouse App
3 mins
What is Clubhouse, and should you download it?
By now, you’ve probably heard of the invite-only app Clubhouse. But what exactly does the app do, and how safe is it?
Three emojis showing emotions.
3 mins
These mood trackers log your voice, skin, brain waves, and more
A new wave of mental-health wearable devices detect distress in your body. Would you wear them?
Bitcoin on paper
6 mins
Bitcoin paper wallets: Taking your Bitcoin security offline
One way to safeguard your cryptocurrency is to generate a paper wallet—a private key written and stored on physical paper.
Location symbol with an eye on a phone.
3 mins
We analyzed 450 apps and found location trackers in every one
Original research from the ExpressVPN Digital Security Lab reveals the extent of location surveillance.
Ooni Octopus
2 mins
This app measures how much of your internet is censored
OONI is a tool from the Tor Project that lets everyone join the effort to map online censorship worldwide. Here is how you can help.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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