Tag: Ask Lexie

Dollars forming a circular “wait” icon above a “Loading…” message. Without net neutrality, expect a slower internet.
9 mins
Net neutrality is important, and we need to fight for it
Net neutrality (before 2003, known as “common carrier concept”) describes the idea that internet service providers (ISPs) should route...
A melting Bitcoin.
2 mins
What makes a cryptocurrency Bitcoin?
According to listings on coinmarketcap.com, there are now six major cryptocurrencies that all claim to be Bitcoin, and more...
iPhone privacy features.
3 mins
6 features we actually want on our iPhones
New phones are exciting. They bring new features, make existing features more powerful and get us excited about spending...
Women tech activists.
2 mins
9 women tech activists to follow on Twitter
Hi! I wanted to share my favorite women tech activists to follow on Twitter. These women all work to keep...
OPSEC is an important part of secure communications
4 mins
What is OPSEC and why do you need it?
Keeping your communications secure is one of the most difficult challenges. No matter if you’re talking about business secrets,...
5 mins
Why websites should sprinkle salt on their hashes to protect your...
Despite their shortcomings, passwords are still the de facto standard for authentication on the web. ExpressVPN has already written about...
5 mins
Can my router catch a virus?
A router works like a small computer and runs customized software designed for a particular purpose. Routers have operating...
A server created out of white outlines.
3 mins
What is a transparent proxy?
A transparency proxy is used for censorship and unblocking content. Here's how to detect and bypass a transparency proxy.
8 mins
How botnets use you to make money
Robot Networks (Botnets) are almost exclusively created with the purpose of financial gain, though some botnet attacks are politically...
2 mins
Ask Lexie! How to fix a hacked MacBook
Hi, I’m Lexie, and I work for ExpressVPN’s security team. ExpressVPN receives lots of emails and comments from users and...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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