Tag: Dev Blogs

8 mins
How ExpressVPN keeps its web servers patched and secure
This article explains ExpressVPN’s approach to security patch management for the infrastructure running the ExpressVPN website (not the VPN...
Protect against DNS leaks.
3 mins
What are DNS leaks and how to prevent them
A DNS leak is when your VPN connection reveals information about your DNS requests to a third party. Here's how ExpressVPN stops DNS leaks.
The ExpressVPN logo.
1 min
ExpressVPN security updates to protect systems from Spectre and Meltdown
This post was originally published on January 10, 2018. What are Spectre and Meltdown? Last week, two major security flaws, dubbed...
Preventing DNS Leaks When Switching Network Interfaces
5 mins
Technical Overview: Preventing DNS Leaks When Switching Network Interfaces
To effectively offer a user privacy and security, a VPN application must ensure that a user’s DNS requests remain...
What does DNS mean?
3 mins
How does DNS work?
The Domain Name System (DNS) acts as the phone directory of the Internet. Instead of phone numbers, computers communicate...
How ExpressVPN utilizes Ansible
5 mins
How to use Ansible Variables and Vaults
Our Dev Team discusses the best practices for Ansible Vaults and Variables and fills in some missing gaps in Ansible's documentation.
See your IP address.
3 mins
How IP checkers work and why they’re sometimes wrong
IP checkers look like they're magic, but sometimes they're way off the mark. How much information do they really know about you?
What is the Sweet 32 problem?
5 mins
Sweet 32 exploits the birthday problem but ExpressVPN won’t be at...
What are the chances two people at a party share a birthday? ExpressVPN explains the birthday problem and looks at how Sweet 32 exploits it.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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What is a phishing attack?
5 mins
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