Tag: Fun Friday

5 mins
Memory removal is the real world right to be forgotten
We’ve all got memories that appear from nowhere, the ones that make us bite down on a clenched fist...
7 mins
Batman v Superman: Who’s got the best secret identity?
How do two of the world’s most iconic superheroes hide their respective identities? On the surface, it doesn’t look like...
6 mins
It’s brilliant. But what is the internet?
We use it every day and It’s become an absolutely essential part of our lives. But what actually is...
10 mins
The biggest hacks that ever happened
The Internet is a battleground. And everyone can see everything you do, all of the time. ‘Everyone’ is a big...
5 mins
Blockbuster movie plots “fixed” with a VPN
Lots of movies have contrived and ridiculous plot points. Some of them manage to have huge, gaping plot holes...
7 mins
4 people totally busted for epic social media fails
Admit it: you have done something stupid on your social media. Everyone has done something stupid on their social...
11 mins
We worked out the exact day Lou Reed had a perfect...
We worked out the exact day Lou Reed sang about in 'Perfect Day'. Really, the actual date. Have a look if you don't believe us.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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3 mins
3 mins
An introduction to threat modeling
6 mins
4 mins
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