Tag: Google

Read ExpressVPN on Medium and Google Play Newsstand
1 min
Read the ExpressVPN blog on Medium and Google Play Newsstand
Want a new way to stay up to date with ExpressVPN news? Then you’re in luck! The ExpressVPN blog has...
Apps that abuse your privacy.
5 mins
5 common apps that put your privacy at risk—are you using...
With the sheer amount of apps available today, almost everyone has some form of personal data online. You may...
when iot goes wrong
4 mins
I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that: When virtual...
The Wall Street Journal estimates that one million IoT devices were recently used by hackers to carry out a...
search engines invading your privacy
7 mins
6 search engines that abuse your privacy (and 3 that actually...
To make things easier for everyone, ExpressVPN has evaluated nine major search engines based on how invasive they are...
Facebook quizzes invade your privacy
3 mins
Can Facebook quizzes really tell you the name of your future...
Of course they can't, that’s absurd. But preposterous quiz titles such as these litter our Facebook walls, almost constantly. Respite...
The green Android mascot holding a Bitcoin.
6 mins
The 3 best Bitcoin wallets for Android
*Are you looking for the best Bitcoin Wallets for iOS? Click here.* Android was the first mobile platform with Bitcoin...
Security app icons on Android screen
7 mins
7 best Android security apps for 2021
As of early 2021, not only is Android the most used smartphone operating system in the world, it is...
4 mins
Pokémon, no! 9 privacy issues to consider when playing Pokémon Go
NOTE: This post was originally published on July 13, 2016 Within just a few days of its launch, Pokémon Go...
1 min
Calling all Android users! ExpressVPN 5.0 for Android is now available
ExpressVPN for Android has always been great, but now it’s even better! We’re excited to announce the release of ExpressVPN...
3 mins
What happens when good Chrome extensions turn bad
In one of the strangest (and funniest) web faux pas of the century, Wired magazine recently published an article...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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