Revive your old computer by installing Linux
Repurposing an old computer with Linux is a great way to create a secure and privacy-focused machine for free.
Ranked: Top operating systems for security and privacy
We take a look at some of the most popular operating systems, including Windows 10, iOS, macOS, and Android, and rank them based on privacy and security.
Now on ExpressVPN: Connect 5 devices simultaneously
You asked for more, and we heard you. ExpressVPN is excited to announce that we’re changing our multiple-device policy...
ExpressVPN for Mac: Latest updates and software upgrades
For older versions of ExpressVPN for Mac click here
Hello, Mac users! Are you ready for an ExpressVPN upgrade? Then...
Better gaming with a Minecraft VPN
Steve is a hero. A Beautiful, blocky hero in a beautiful, blocky world.
There’s nothing wrong with Steve. Steve’s perfect....
Tor crusader Chuck McAndrew discusses privacy, freedom with ExpressVPN
The Kilton Public Library in Lebanon, New Hampshire, made headlines last year after becoming the first library in the...
Announcing the ExpressVPN app for routers – protect all devices in...
Wondering how to add an extra boost to your home’s Internet security? ExpressVPN now offers an easy-to-use app for...
The Game of Phones: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs encryption
**UPDATED FOR 2017**
In this article, ExpressVPN focuses on WhatsApp and Telegram. If you want to see how other chat...
How to replace old or damaged hard drives securely
If you are like most other computer users, you’ll rarely throw away or delete data. And with disk space...
Ask Lexie! How to fix a hacked MacBook
Hi, I’m Lexie, and I work for ExpressVPN’s security team.
ExpressVPN receives lots of emails and comments from users and...