Tag: Technology

What will happen in 2018?
4 mins
Which of ExpressVPN’s 2017 predictions came true? And what’s next for...
NOTE: This post was originally published on February 16, 2018 In 2016 and 2017, Lexie made some bold predictions about...
How to use the Lightning Network
6 mins
Taking your first steps on the Lightning Network
Cryptocurrencies are beginning to change the world, but they have not been able to prove themselves for regular consumer...
The website that knows where your cat lives.
2 mins
The website that knows where your cat lives
Fact: Cats like attention. Anyone who’s ever tried to watch the TV around a cat licking its nether-regions in...
Bitcoin's multisig wallets and how to use them
6 mins
How to use Bitcoin’s multisignature wallets
A Bitcoin generally can only be spent by its owner as identified through their public key hash, e.g., their...
Android VPN app
2 mins
This is what you’ve been waiting for: ExpressVPN on Amazon Fire...
It’s fair to say the Android app just keeps getting better and better! ExpressVPN 6.7 now works on Amazon...
ExpressVPN won the overall best VPN in the BestVPN.com awards
2 mins
BestVPN.com Awards gives ExpressVPN top honors
NOTE: This post was originally published on December 18, 2017 Over the last few weeks, people have voted at BestVPN.com...
Try the new ExpressVPN WebRTC leak tools.
2 mins
Is your VPN protecting your privacy and security? Check for yourself...
With cyber attacks and hacks, government surveillance, and big data mining all on the rise, more and more people...
India and net neutrality
3 mins
3 things the U.S. could learn from India’s new net neutrality...
On November 28th, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released its own set of recommendations declaring the internet...
Get the ExpressVPN Cyber Monday 2018 deal
1 min
ExpressVPN’s 2017 Cyber Monday and Black Friday VPN Discount!
***ExpressVPN's 2017 Cyber Monday deal is over, but you can still get 35% off a one year subscription!*** Black Friday...
What is zero-knowledge proof?
3 mins
Zero-knowledge proofs explained: Part 1
Zero-knowledge proofs explained Part 2: Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs Cryptography mostly concerns itself with secure communications and includes hiding information from...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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8 ways your email stops spam
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What are smart cities?
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