Trump signs new U.S. internet privacy legislation: Comcast reacts, but can...
NOTE: This post was originally published on April 10, 2017
Last week, ExpressVPN wrote about controversial U.S. Congress plans to...
How perfect forward secrecy makes VPN encryption safer
ExpressVPN uses perfect forward secrecy to make VPN connections resistant to hacks, protecting your data from past to future.
ExpressVPN launches ExpressChat: The future of chat apps
Many products are designed to keep your private data private.
But until now, no one has protected your private data...
A comparison of two-factor authentication methods: Which is best for you?
Two-factor authentication makes it impossible for hackers to break into your accounts by brute-force and even protects you if...
I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that: When virtual...
The Wall Street Journal estimates that one million IoT devices were recently used by hackers to carry out a...
9 women tech activists to follow on Twitter
Hi! I wanted to share my favorite women tech activists to follow on Twitter.
These women all work to keep...
Take our quiz: Cybersecurity heroes
How much do you know about the big hitters of internet freedom, privacy, and security? Take our quiz to find out!
Unhackable notifications: It’s easy to encrypt Facebook with a PGP key
Your Facebook account is valuable. It contains private chats, a list of your personal connections, and, if you use...
Five BIG information security predictions for 2017
A year ago ExpressVPN made some predictions about what might happen in 2016. Some of these bold prophecies turned...
The Siri-ous benefits and dangers of voice technology
“Hey, Siri”
Ask any iOS user if they’ve uttered the above, and they’ll share personal anecdotes of sketchy queries and...