Want ExpressVPN on your router?
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Talk to a HumanThis guide will show you how to access the ExpressVPN router dashboard and change settings on the ExpressVPN router app.
If you are using an older version of the ExpressVPN router app, refer to these steps to change your router settings.
Learn how to find your ExpressVPN router’s firmware version.
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Access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard
Change the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi name and password
Hide the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi network name
Change the ExpressVPN router admin password
Enable or disable auto-reboot
Reset the router
Change settings for ExpressVPN router v1
Access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard
After connecting your device to the ExpressVPN router, go to the ExpressVPN router dashboard.
If you cannot access the ExpressVPN router dashboard, you can access it via your router’s default gateway.
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Change the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi name and password
In the left sidebar, select Network Settings > Wi-Fi Settings.
Under Enable Wi-Fi network, enter the new Wi-Fi name and password you want to use for your ExpressVPN router.
Select Save.
While your changes are being saved, you will temporarily see the “Connection to Router Lost” message.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Hide the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi network named
In the sidebar, select Network Settings > Wi-Fi Settings.
Expand the Advanced settings bar, then toggle Hide network name (SSID) on. Select Save.
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Change the ExpressVPN router admin password
In the sidebar, select Advanced Settings > Router Settings.
Enter and confirm your new password, then select Save.
While your changes are being saved, you will temporarily see the “Connection to Router Lost” message.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Enable or disable auto-reboot
Starting from version 2.7.0, your ExpressVPN router will automatically reboot daily at 4 a.m. local time, if auto-reboot is enabled.
This feature is enabled by default on Linksys routers to improve Wi-Fi stability. For Asus and Netgear routers, you can manually enable auto-reboot.
To enable or disable auto-reboot:
- Go to the ExpressVPN router dashboard.
- Sign in with your router admin password.
- Select Advanced Settings > Router settings.
- Toggle Reboot router daily at 4:00 a.m. on or off.
- Select Save.
To ensure the reboot happens at the right time, make sure your router’s time zone is accurate. You can manually change your time zone settings.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Reset the router
You can reset the router with a soft reset or a hard reset.
If you want to reset your router and can access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard, perform a soft reset.
If you cannot access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard or the soft reset does not work, perform a hard reset.
Soft reset
In the sidebar, select Reboot Router.
Select Continue to start the reboot.
Hard reset
Press and hold the router reset button (located on the back of the router) for 10 seconds.
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Change settings for ExpressVPN router v1
Refer to the section corresponding to your router model below.
Change the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi name
In the top menu bar, select Wireless.
In Basic Settings, next to Wireless Network Name (SSID), enter the new Wi-Fi name.
Select Apply Settings.
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Change the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi password
In the top menu bar, click Wireless. In the sidebar, select Wireless Security.
Next to WPA Shared Key, enter the new Wi-Fi password.
Select Apply Settings.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Change the ExpressVPN router admin password
In the top menu bar, select Administration.
Under Router Password, enter and confirm your new password.
Select Apply Settings.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Reset the router
You can reset the router by performing a soft reset or a hard reset.
If you want to reset your router and can access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard, perform the soft reset.
If you cannot access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard or the soft reset does not work, perform the hard reset.
Soft reset
In the top menu bar, click VPN. In the sidebar, select ExpressVPN Help & Support > Reset firmware to default settings.
Hard reset
Press and hold the router reset button (located on the back of the router) for 10 seconds.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Linksys WRT1200AC, WRT1900AC, and WRT3200ACM
Change the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi name
In the top menu bar, click Network. By default, both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wifi networks have the same name. This allows the router to pick the better connection.
Select the network you would like to edit by selecting Edit.
Scroll down to Interface Configuration. Next to ESSID, enter the new Wi-Fi name. Select Save & Apply.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Hide the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi network name
In the top menu bar, select Network.
Select the network you want to hide and click Edit.
Scroll down to Interface Configuration, then check the box next to Hide ESSID. Select Save & Apply.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Change the ExpressVPN router Wi-Fi password
In the top menu bar, select Network.
Select the network you want to change the password for by selecting Edit.
Select the Wireless Security tab. Next to Key, enter the new Wi-Fi password. Select Save & Apply.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Change the ExpressVPN router admin password
In the top menu bar, select System.
Under Router Password, enter and confirm your new password.
Select Save & Apply.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Reset the router
You can reset the router by performing a soft reset or a hard reset.
If you want to reset your router and can access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard, perform the soft reset.
If you cannot access the ExpressVPN router admin dashboard or the soft reset does not work, perform the hard reset.
Soft reset
In the top menu bar, click VPN. Select ExpressVPN Help & Support > Reset Factory Settings.
When asked to confirm, select Reset to factory defaults.
Hard reset
Press and hold the router reset button (located on the back of the router) for 10 seconds.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.