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Talk to a HumanThis guide will show you how to manage the devices connected to any ExpressVPN router.
Note: Before proceeding with this tutorial, make sure you have set up the ExpressVPN app on your router. You can read the setup instructions for the ExpressVPN app for routers.
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Manage VPN connections of connected devices
Change device names and device IP addresses
Manage VPN connections of connected devices
By default, all devices connected to your ExpressVPN router will use the VPN. You can also choose which devices will use the VPN.
Go to the ExpressVPN router dashboard. Sign in with your router admin password.
On the router dashboard, select the DEVICES tab.
By default, all devices are set to Router VPN. Leave them as is if you want all devices connected to your ExpressVPN router to use the VPN.
To manage the setting for each device, select Each device uses > Per device setting.
You will see a list of devices connected to the ExpressVPN router and their connection type, which is, by default, Router VPN.
You can set each device to a different connection type:
- Router VPN: The device will use the VPN.
- No VPN: The device will not use the VPN.
- MediaStreamer: The device will use MediaStreamer for an optimized streaming experience.
To change the connection type, select the device name, then select your preferred connection type.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Change device names and device IP addresses
Go to the ExpressVPN router dashboard. Sign in with your router admin password.
On the router dashboard, select the DEVICES tab.
Select the name of any device, then select Edit Details.
You can edit:
- Device Name: Enter your preferred name for the selected device.
- Device IP Address: You can change the IP address for the device within the DHCP range (see Local Network Settings).
Select Save.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.